Brent Schlenker is Keynote for eLearning DevCon 2007
One more post here, to highlight the decision to ask Brent Schlenker to be the keynote for eLearning DevCon 2007. Brent has presented twice at DevCon before and has been one of the most popular presenters. He is a widely revered expert in Web 2.0 technologies and their impact on corporate learning trends.
You may remember, Brent was the person that Kevin Kruse gave $100 to for blogging his keynote last year. So he lives what he preaches!
Also, last year there were so many people in Brent's presentation I thought the fire marshal was going to show up at any minute and haul us all away. I personally never got to see his presentation, so I suppose there's a little in it for me. As the keynote, at least I'll be able to actually get to see Brent's presentation this year.
Take a look at Brent's presentation as well as others that we have scheduled already. Lots more to come!
Garin Hess
Executive Director
eLearning DevCon 2007
Brent - "revered" - can't wait for him to see that word! Knowing Brent a bit - you've picked a really good keynote!
Its funny that I didn't see this until now. I'm blushing ;-)
I'm very excited to keynote and have some great fun planned.
I look forward to seeing the active eLearnDevCon'ers that I've come to enjoy seeing at this show. And I look forward to making many new friends as well.
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