Monday, August 07, 2006

Vlogger session at eLearnDevCon2006

Cool new tool from Serious Magic called Vlog it!
Vlogit looks like a stripped down version of Visual communicator which is a little more expensive.
$50!  You can't beat that!  As Garin points out the coolest part of the software is the integrated tele-prompter.  Yes, the other visual stuff is cool too. 
When the presentation is over I will post some shots of the setup Garin Hess created.  The lighting solution from Home Depot is a GREAT idea!  $50 bucks for the lighting rig too.  So, $100 gets you software and lighting.  $20 bucks gets you the cheap green screen, but Garin is using the $200 folding screen but its very cool. 
Then of course you need a video camera.  But even the cheapest camera will do.  You can even use a web cam when vlogging yourself.
Vlogit is just another example of how user-generated content is changing the landscape of learning. 


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