Saturday, July 01, 2006

Vlogs - how are they being used?

Hi everyone! I'm giving a presentation on Vlogs (video blogs) called "Creating Vlogs for Your eLearning Effort" in which I'll be demonstrating how easy it is to create Vlogs (we'll create one live during the session). At the beginning of the presentation I'm exploring some ways that Vlogs are currently being used to support or enhance e-learning. I'd welcome any comments about any experiences any of you have had with Vlogs and even blogs in general as part of an e-learning education effort. What challenges have you had? What successes? What have you been able to accomplish with Vlogs you couldn't do with blogs?
By the way, if you're interested, here are a couple of interesting articles on Vlogging: - on how we're all still trying to figure out how to use them productively, on predictions about how pervasive they will become, and suggestions on utilizing the creativity that spawns in what has traditionally seemed like the unlikely areas of organizations (quote: "The creativity of three genuinely inspired people working with limited time, equipment, and means can reach millions and create far more buzz than a million-dollar Super Bowl commercial.") - a short but insightful comment on the what online mechanisms should be used for
Looking forward to this year's conference!
Garin Hess
Rapid Intake Inc.


At 7/06/2006 8:46 AM, Blogger bschlenker said...

Hi Garin,
I'm really looking forward to this conversation. We are experimenting at Intel with podcasting and vlogging. Everyone is still trying to figure it out, you're right. But the exciting thing is that people are going for it and not waiting around for that perfect BKM. And that needs to be the point. Perfection is not required to meet a learning need.


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