Friday, June 30, 2006

Brent Schlenker Intro

Hi eLearnDevCon-ers!
Wow that's a little uncomfortable to say. Perhaps we should be Oh well, any other suggestions?
Anyways...I'll be giving a couple presentations at the conference on WIKIs and Learning2.0. I'm really looking forward to seeing how things have changed since last year. And if things haven't changed for you over the last year then I want to change that.
I want to help re-energize your elearning development career and introduce you to the challenges we face ahead as a community of learning specialists.
What is it that YOU see changing? I'd love to hear your comments and incorporate them into our discussion in August.
Brent Schlenker
Intel University, Learning Consultant, Professor, Blogger
Corporate eLearning Development (shameless self-promotion)